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 I AM AN APPLE FAN! | Daily Journal: 120 Pages - Size: 6x9 - Lined | Cream-White Premiumpaper | Personal Organizer
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Stay organized, plan ahead with this helpful personal organizer. Get things done and keep focused on all your daily appointments in the office, home or your kids after school schedules. | Design: I AM AN APPLE FAN! | Matt Cover | Cream-White Premium Paper | Use this daily planner for: Appointment Book, Journal, Daily Planner Diary, Personal Organizer, Journal Diary, Journal for Mom, Daily Planner, Personal Planner | You don’t need to do it alone! This daily planner can help you organize your time, your family, and your household. A personal organizer tailored to help you with your busy schedule and daily needs. Makes a great gift for a friend or relative that has a busy life style!

Kategorie: Books
Hersteller: Epubli

9,40 CHF
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12,90 CHF Gesamt

Lieferzeit: 1-2 Werktagen
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