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 Das Publikum macht die Musik
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Sven Oliver Müller has written a compact, fascinating and vivid account of all that is exciting and surprising in the history of musical culture. He tells the story of how social relations in the major metropolises of Berlin, London and Vienna were shaped, and in some cases created, by the musical events of the day. Operatic performances and concerts often assumed the form of “communication societies;” and attending musical events provided important resources for managing or freshening up social, political and economic ties. This book represents a completely new look at the historical foundation of these events, bringing together the two subjects of history and music in a colorful and surprising work that will be of interest to readers from both disciplines.

Kategorie: Books
Hersteller: Vandenhoeck + Ruprecht

69,90 CHF

Lieferzeit: 1-2 Werktagen
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