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 Benjamin, A: Little Mouse and the Big Red Apple
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Mouse does not want to share his big, juicy apple but he is too small to move it on his own. Can he get his friends to help and still eat it all himself? Little Mouse and the Big Red Apple is from Level 3 of Ready Steady Read! a fantastic graded reading scheme with four reading levels from Little Tiger Press. Ready Steady Read! makes learning to read fun. Each book contains games and activities to reinforce learning and test comprehension in a way developing readers will enjoy as well as handy parent notes from Prue Goodwin, Lecturer in Literacy and Children's Books. Level 3 is suitable for more confident readers. The stories will help build their confidence, opening up the world of reading and imagination to them. About Level 3: longer sentences with varied structure wider vocabulary high-interest stories of up to 300 words smaller print for experienced readers

Kategorie: Books
Hersteller: Little Tiger Press Group

9,90 CHF
3,50 CHF Versand
13,40 CHF Gesamt

Lieferzeit: 1-2 Werktagen
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