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 Scalable Video Coding Based on the DCT Pyramid
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Due to the fast growth in multimedia applications including transport of video over limited bandwidth capacity and error-prone networks (such as the Internet and wireless networks), a high degree of flexibility from video compression systems has become necessary. Scalable video coding is a popular technology for providing an efficient representation of video and a robust method of transmitting video over a heterogeneous environment. However, although several scalable coding algorithms have been proposed in the literature and the international standards over the past decade, these schemes can accommodate relatively limited decoding flexibility at a significant loss in compression efficiency. Therefore, this book aims to address two issues related to scalable video coding. These are: i) how to reduce the bit rate overhead associated with the existing scalable schemes, especially video coding standards, and ii) to develop a highly scalable coding system. To achieve these goals, a new-layered video coding scheme based on MC-DCT pyramid is proposed. The proposed scheme should be especially useful to professionals in the field of Video Coding and Communications.

Kategorie: Books
Hersteller: VDM

105,00 CHF

Lieferzeit: 1-2 Werktagen
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