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 Wet Pet
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These unique, interactive early reading books invite children to flip the pages and discover different words and pictures, with the shared word ending showing through a die cut at the bottom of the page. The use of word families helps children to recognize similarities between words that rhyme, and the bright, humorous illustrations in a Japanese anime style will keep the attention of both kids and parents. Featured word family: Wet Pet -ed (sled, bed, shed, red), -et (pet, wet, net, jet), -am (ram, lamb, jam, ham)

Kategorie: Office Supplies
Hersteller: Blue Apple Books

11,90 CHF
3,50 CHF Versand
15,40 CHF Gesamt

Lieferzeit: 1-2 Werktagen
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7 Jahre in Folge höchste Werte bei Pagespeed Insight von Google
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