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 Nicholas Pert: An attacking Repertoire with 1.d4 - Vol.3
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The lines are aimed at ambitious players who are looking to develop a long term attacking option as White. Objectively this was the easiest video series of the 3 to produce as White is usually able to gain a comfortable edge by playing sharply and powerfully against Black’s offbeat systems. The variations covered include an interesting sideline (3.h4) vs Kings Indian and Grunfeld players. I have given comprehensive analysis against the Dutch, Modern and Pirc. In addition to this I have analysed what I believe to be the most critical White variations against many of Black’s other tricky 1st moves such as 1..b6, 1... b5, 1...c5, 1...e5, 1...Nc6, 1...e6 and 1...d6 • Video running time: 5 hours (English) • With interactive training including video feedback • Extra: Further Training chapter with repertoire and play features Win 7 oder neuer

Kategorie: Software
Hersteller: ChessBase Verlagsgesellschaft mbH.

38,90 CHF

Lieferzeit: Versandfertig innert 1 - 2 Werktagen
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