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 Chelius, C: Adobe Illustrator CC Learn by Video (2015 releas
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This critically-acclaimed interactive training program from Adobe Press offers exceptional quality high-definition video to teach the fundamentals of Adobe Illustrator CC. Including more than 10 hours of video tutorials, the course comes complete with lesson files, assessment quizzes, and review materials. Experienced instructor Chad Chelius presents a comprehensive introduction to InDesign, including best practices as well as fundamental layout and document styling concepts. Topics covered include working with text, graphics, and objects. Chad explores InDesign in a real-world layout workflow that includes assembling books, creating alternate layouts, preflighting files, creating final output as PDFs or ePubs, and much more. The video is wrapped in a unique interface that allows you to jump to any topic and also bookmark individual sections for later review. The unique 'Watch and Work” mode shrinks the video into a small window to allow you to work alongside in Adobe InDesign as you view the video. Project files used in the lessons are included on the disc so you can practice what you've learned. At the end of every lesson, you can test your knowledge by taking interactive quizzes.

Kategorie: Software
Hersteller: Peach Pit

52,90 CHF

Lieferzeit: wird besorgt, Lieferzeit unbekannt
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